Toronto Kendo Club COVID-19 Safety Plan
This document outlines the measures that the Toronto Kendo Club has implemented to reduce the risk of COVID-19. Components of this COVID-19 safety plan rely on the policies and practices of the Joseph J. Piccininni Community Centre (JJP). As the COVID-19 situation is constantly changing, the Toronto Kendo Club may update this safety plan from time-to-time.
Everyone going to practice must satisfy all of the following conditions:
Fully vaccinated
Not experiencing any symptoms commonly associated with COVID-19
Not required by their doctor’s instruction or local public health guidelines to self-isolate or quarantine due to a COVID-19 diagnosis or exposure to COVID-19
Physical Distancing
Participants must refrain from tsubazeriai and taiatari
Use of Masks and Face Coverings
All participants, instructors and visitors are required to wear a mask upon entering and remaining within an enclosed area. The mask must cover the nose, mouth and chin.
Each participant must provide their own mask. No masks will be provided. Anyone unable to comply with the mask policy will be asked to leave.
Each participant should bring an extra mask in case they wish to change masks during or after practice.
Temporary removal of the mask is permitted where necessary for the purposes of:
Drinking water
Changing masks
Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette
Participants should wash their hands prior to practice
Participants are encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizers
Cleaning and Disinfecting
We are relying on the JJP policies and practices for cleaning and disinfecting the community centre
Program Modification
Participants should refrain from overexerting themselves and should take breaks whenever necessary
Participants can bring water bottles and refresh themselves when necessary
Reporting COVID-19
If a participant tests positive for COVID-19:
Immediately send an e-mail to tkcsignin@toronto-kendo-club.ca with the following information:
Your name
The date of your positive COVID-19 test
The date of the last practice you attended
In the subject line of the e-mail, indicate that you had a positive COVID-19 test
Follow the Toronto Public Health instructions.
Do not come to practice until you have finished your self-isolation period, have no symptoms
2. If TKC receives information that a participant tested positive for COVID-19, the following actions will be taken
TKC will contact the JJP about the positive COVID-19 test case.
TKC will contact the participants who attended practices around the time of the positive COVID-19 test and inform them that someone tested positive for COVID-19 and that they should be tested as soon as possible
Those participants in above must follow the Toronto Public Health instructions on What to do if you a re a close contact of a person with COVID -19
Parents of juniors who were participants must follow the Toronto Public Health instructions on A Parent’s Guide: If your child is a close contact of a person with COVID -19